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August 29, 2022

Breaking News: GitcoinDAO Ratifies New GR10 “Side Round” to Build Gitcoin

On Thursday, June 17, 2021, the GitcoinDAO Community Stewards voted to create a “side round” to Gitcoin Grants Round 10 called “Building Gitcoin”. The round features a $50K matching pool pledged by Gitcoin Holdings Inc., and will support those who are building components, prototypes, tools, and products for GitcoinDAO.

On Thursday, June 17, 2021, the GitcoinDAO Community Stewards voted to create a “side round” to Gitcoin Grants Round 10 called “Building Gitcoin”. The round features a $50K matching pool pledged by Gitcoin Holdings Inc., and will support those who are building components, prototypes, tools, and products for GitcoinDAO.

It has long been an organizational goal to empower and leverage our vibrant community to build for itself. Now through the release of the GTC governance token and creation of GitcoinDAO, our community has the mechanism with which to direct development funds. This includes accepting and allocating resources towards self-actualization.

Through the vote GitcoinDAO has elected to accept funds from Gitcoin Holdings Inc., and assign them to the new round. The Gitcoin Holding Team is excited to see what the community builds with the funds raised in GR10. Community Steward Austin Griffith initiated the Build Gitcoin proposal on Snapshot which resulted in an almost unanimous vote to ratify. To check out the new round, or create or fund a grant, please visit

—The Gitcoin Team

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