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August 26, 2022

Colorado Coin

For each and every participant of ETHDenver this weekend, we have a special treat!

Colorado Coin is a Solid Coin — a physical coin

Update 2018/02/22 — ETHDenver Wrap Up Post is Up

Colorado Coin is launching at ETHDenver!

As you can see from the pictures above, each Colorado Coin is a physical coin, which weights about 5 oz, and has a QR code on the back.

The QR code does two things.

Use Case 1— During the ETHDenver Hackathon

During the weekend, participants in the ETHDenver hackathon can use it to pay for meals.

Here’s how it works:

  • Each QR code is loaded with 5 meals.
  • Every time during the weekend that a user wants a meal, they go to a food truck and have them scan the coin.
  • Each QR code scan decrements their meal count.
  • Once an attendee is out of meals, the system will not allow them to receive any more meals.

Thanks for Colorado Blockchain organizer Coury Ditch for building this application and OSSing it on Github.

Here’s a demo:

Use Case 2 — After the ETHDenver Hackathon

After the weekend, the QR codes will all be updated to point to an ERC20 coin called ColoradoCoin.

Here’s how it works:

  • After the hackathon, scan the QR code.
  • Youll be taken to a page that contains 1 COLO ERC20 token.
  • Enter a forwarding address for this token.
  • Press Submit.
  • Success!

Here’s a demo of that:

We hope you enjoy this little utility we built!

It’s been a lot of fun building this token with the other organizers of theColorado Blockchain Community.

We hope that attendees of the ETHDenver hackathon enjoyed this unique piece of schwag.

Whitelabeling Service in The Works

Want your own whitelabeled Solid Coin? click here to get in touch.

Update 2018/02/22 — ETHDenver Wrap Up Post is Up

We love Colorado!

We hope you enjoyed your weekend in our beautiful homestate :).

Disclaimer: The ColoradoCoin token is a proof of attendance at ETHDenver 2018, which has no monetary value.

Thanks to Vivek Singh.

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